Based in New Zealand, Straker Translations has established itself as a world leading AI data driven translation platform powering the global growth of businesses. Straker Translations has developed a hybrid translation platform that utilises a combination of AI, machine-learning and a crowd-sourced pool of freelance translators.
The Company’s cloud-based platform manages the end-to end translation process, leveraging AI, machine-learning (both inhouse and third party owned engines) to create a first draft translation and subsequently matching the customer’s content with one or more of the approximately 13,000 crowd-sourced human freelance translators for refinement.
This process is managed using Straker’s proprietary “RAY Translation Platform”, which has been developed over eight years and is an enterprise grade, end-to-end, cloud-based platform. By leveraging machine translations and its big data assets, the RAY Translation Platform enables the delivery of faster and more accurate translations, lowering the time and cost to deliver versus traditional translation services. The platform can be integrated directly into customers’ systems and consists of a customer dashboard, machine translation integration and modules for assisting and managing translators.